Comment on Signal is Flawed, Why XMPP is Amazing! (new animated video) ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

For me using signal wasn’t about becoming Jason Bourne, it was about changing the threat model. I don’t have any dilusions of grandeur that I can’t be owned if I’m targeted, but you know what? My calls and texts aren’t stored with my phone company with a direct link to the Government and advertisers. That may be low hanging fruit, but that’s dealing with most of the issues the average user is going to run into. I’d suggust that the step from SMS to Signal is of greater benifit to a normal user than from signal to something more advanced. And, fwiw it’s open sourced and audited, which gives me more confidence than something like imessage or WhatsApp, despite similarities im encryption schemes.
