Comment on Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I have similar thinking I moved out in a rural area about 30 minutes to the suburb grocery store. I guess I didn’t move out far enough cause they’re building neighborhoods nearby and rolling out fiber. I’m about an hour from city center or 66 miles.

It’s quiet which I like but I miss being able to go out cause it’s not practical to drive 30min for every little errand. We’re making friends nearby which helps.

No comment on farming as I don’t have personal experience just what I’ve read. we buy our veggies and eggs from a nearby farm . Good enough for me. I would imagine farming myself would take most of the day and it’s hard work. Sounds like a dream but I think it will be a lot harder. Try gardening onions and garlic those are the easier ones to start along with peppers if it’s for you.
