Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 04-09-2023 ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

On my second playthrough of the witcher series and on witcher 3 now, and man… I’ve missed this game! What I didn’t miss however was that goddamn leshen in velen. On my first time playing w3 I got massacred by it, this time I remembered roughly where it was, and while on my way to a side quest I did my best to avoid it. Well, I ride around in the forest, trying to remember where it was, I run into it. I see him just in time to stop and wait for him to walk away from me before moving on myself. Unfortunately his wolves noticed me and I had to make a run for it. Managed to get away alive and paused the game to take a little breather and to vent to my roommate. After unpausing the game, the freaking leshen teleported right in front of me! Had to make a run for it again, and wait for it to leave the area so I could continue my quest. Leshens are the truly terrifying monsters in the witcher, and I love their design, just don’t love running into them (especially with a high level difference). Still, this has once again made me think about getting a leshen tattoo.
