The policies, and more importantly, the pedagogy are out of date and basically irrelevant in an age where machines can and do create better work than the majority of university students. Teachers used to ban certain levels of calculator from their classrooms because it was considered ‘cheating’ (they still might). Those teacher represent a backwards approach towards preparing students for a changing world.
The future isn’t writing essays independent of machine assistance just like the future of calculus isn’t slide rulers. 1 year ago
I think a big challenge or gap here is that writing has a correlation to vocabulary and developing the ability to articulate. It pays off not just for the prose that you write, but your ability to speak and discuss and present ideas. I agree that so is a tool we will likely be using more in the future. But education is in place to develop skills and knowledge. Does ai help or hinder that goal if a teachers job includes evaluating how much a student has learned and whether they can articulate that?