Comment on Why should I use rust (as a Go enthusiast)? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

It looks just about as bad as C++'s template system, minus the latter’s awful compiler errors.

I’d say they’re incomparable. One’s a Turing-complete programming language, the other is not much more powerful than generics in a language like C#. That’s not to say that your impression is incorrect - both are significantly more complex than what Go had for the longest time (no generics), and likely more complex than what Go has now (though I haven’t looked much into Go’s new generics system to be honest).

If you’re looking for a reason to use Rust, I recommend picking it up and doing some projects in it. There are many, many reasons why one would choose Rust for a project (security, correctness, needs to be low level, preference, etc) and many documented scenarios where companies have found switching to Rust to be beneficial to them, but at the end of the day, only you know what your requirements and preferences are.

It seems like you prefer highly readable code. This is a pretty subjective thing though, and you may find that Go is more readable to you than any other language. I would disagree, but again, it’s a matter of preference. For some, C++ is the language they find most readable. Regardless, the only way to know if you’ll like it and want to use it is for you to pick it up and use it, and develop your opinions based on experience. If you find that spending time learning it will be a waste after trying it out for a little bit, then you have your answer.
