Comment on A real world analysis of a near-100% renewable grid in Australia - Year 2. 1 year ago
Fun fact! At the current rate of about 8000 vehicles a month there will be that much battery driving around in 2038. Sales are doubling annually though.
Presumably EV sales will level off somewhere below 1 million/yr, if that happens there will be roughly this much battery imported every two years. 1 year ago
This ignores EVs, but does have some commentary about it.
How we choreograph charging/manage demand will be interesting. 1 year ago
Canberra is running a v2g trial last I heard.
Even just putting a 240V 2kW charger on an off peak meter (like hot water cylinders use) and only using it for load shedding would probably cover most of the storage needed. 16kWh/day is overkill for most driving profiles, then the only issue is convincing whoever owns the carpark to install/rent an outlet. 1 year ago
I think that we need something like that. I expect that someone will set up a virtual power plant as a way of managing the service and capacity. Either that or it just becomes a ‘must have’ through legislation.
I would like to see the requirement for any new built house to have solar and some amount of storage as a requirement. It just seems to make sense! 1 year ago
Australia’s solar market is un-price-gougey enough and electricity costs enough that I don’t think anyone would really consider not putting solar on a new build with a battery ready inverter. An investment that yields 50% return in the first year is a no brainer.
Virtual power plants seem a bit too silicon-valley. I don’t see anything wrong with a bounded variable time of use/feed-in tarriff (ie. Electricity will cost at least x, at most y, time-average z over the year, you get 30% of retail for feed-in and the prices are published day ahead). Let people own their own charger, inverter, and battery and decide for themselves what thresholds are for the controller (or opt into software).