Comment on How you can be deanonymized through Tor 1 year ago
Whoever wrote this article, didn’t do enough research about that what he written things like using a VPN aren’t recommended by the Tor Project for specific reasons, also hosting your own entrance guard makes u even more easily deanonymizable. I would recommebd to checking the Tor Project, Whonix and Tails Documentation, they include very well and also some technical explanations, about all of this. 1 year ago
This article is an ad for the VOS service setup done by the company who wrote it. They mention it several times in the article.
That’s why they are pushing VPN and self-hosted entrance guards; they want to sell you one. 1 year ago
I don’t fund anything related to VPN at their products page, but that they want to promote their self-hosted entrance guards is definitly true, this article isn’t trustworthy