Comment on What information does SJW log from its users? For how long is the respective information kept? 8 hours ago
So I’ve just tested something and it seems lemmy devs haven’t set a default expiry time for the login jwt tokens, or it’s something stupidly long.
Logging out clears the cookie from your browser, but not in the server database, which isn’t atypical and mostly fine, or at least would be fine if the server’s expired sooner than later.
Just to be sure, I just tested that a password change does indeed purge those from the database, so that works at least.
I’ll try and see what we can implement locally (hopefully without breaking everything) to purge these more frequently.
Removing these faster also means forcing people to re-enter their credentials more frequently.
I can’t find anywhere to configure that, neither in the instance settings nor in user settings, which probably means it’s whatever lemmy devs set as default.
Anyway, thanks for the question, because it’s dumber than I thought. 8 hours ago
Im happy being logged in forever 7 hours ago
Thanks for chiming in.
Yea, in itself that’s nice enough, but that means in some fringe cases, your IP info might be in the database longer than I thought, or worse more often than I thought.
In your case, you current login tokens are from forever ago, but there’s also very few of them, so the database has your IP address from 2 points in time in the last year.
In my case, I login multiple times a day (Firefox mobile cookie bug + sometimes testing things in private windows) and so the database had my phones IP info at several hundred points in time, which isn’t too great. (Until I changed my password)
Whatever IP you had a few months ago is mostly moot, whereas a detailed history of my IP over the last year is more info than I care for.
Ideally, I think it’s something users should have control over. Like some sites where you can see your other current logins and revoke them.
Or maybe have the option to set your max token age in your settings.
As far as I know, these aren’t implemented in lemmy.
As is, manually forcing the expiry on people without their consent isn’t too great because some apps might break until they log back in, which might not be handled gracefully in all apps, as well as be annoying to people like you.
In your case, since you’ve logged in so few times, I’d argue the token not expiring is maybe more private for you because your IP info is so out of date as to be mostly useless.
In my case, the tokens not expiring meant every new login painted a very detailed history.
I’ve yet to figure something that would make sense for everyone. 7 hours ago
“Ideally, I think it’s something users should have control over. Like some sites where you can see your other current logins and revoke them. Or maybe have the option to set your max token age in your settings. As far as I know, these aren’t implemented in lemmy.”
1,000% this
Lemmy should add it :)