Comment on Performance comparison between various Hypervisors 2 days agoI am only messing with KVM/libvirt for fun so i have no professional experience in this but wouldn’t you want to use virtio disks for best performance? 1 day ago
I am neither working professionally in that field. To answer your question: Of course I would use whatever gives me the best performance. Why it is set like this is beyond my knowledge. What you basically do in Apache Cloudstack when you do not have a Template yet is: You upload an ISO and in this process you have to tell ACS what it is (Windows Server 2022, Ubuntu 24 etc.). From my understanding, those pre-defined OS you can select and “attach” to an ISO seem to include the specifics for when you create a new Instance (VM) in ACS. And it seems to set the Controller to SATA. Why? I do not know. I tried to pick another OS (I think it was called Windows SCSI), but in the end it ended up still being a VM with the disks bound to the SATA controller, despite the VM having an additional SCSI controller that was not attached to anything.
This can probably be fixed on the commandline, but I was not able to figure this out yesterday when I had a bit spare time to tinker with it again. I would like to see if this makes a big difference in that specific workload.