Comment on XPipe - A connection hub for all your servers: Status update for the v15 release 2 days agoI am a bit confused by the feedback on the performance here. Now the performance wasn’t that great previously, but that should have been fixed over time, especially in the latest updates.
Maybe I am missing something when testing. So if you want, feel free to elaborate on where the performance issues occur, I can look into that. 1 day ago
It does seem a bit better now on 15.3, but essentially on 15.x often the first time I start it up in the morning it will sit for 10-20 seconds on “Loading connections”. Starts after that first one are only a few seconds like normal.
Is there a log file I can poke through to see if anything stand out next time it happens? I only have about 20 connections in total. 1 day ago
You can go to Settings -> Troubleshoot and either take a look at the log files or launch it in debug mode. If you find anything, feel free to post on GitHub or Discord 20 hours ago
Thanks, I’ll check it next time startup takes awhile, the only thing standing out from my current log (wasn’t a low startup this time) is loading images took about 3 seconds.