My favorite is “Do you speak (language)… Please??”
Comment on What is the minimum number of words needed to communicate 4 days ago
- Hello
- Thank you
- Excuse me
- Sorry
- Do you speak [your native language]? [Native Language] please?
- Where is …
- Check in?
- The bill?
- How do I get to…?
- I am from… [your country’s name in the foreign language]
- Yes/No
- How do you say [word] in [foreign language]?
- The bathroom?
- the hospital?
- Help me!
- Emergency!
- Payphone? Portable charger? ATM?
- Taxi stand, Bus stop, Train Station?
- Restaurant/Eatery?
- Water, Food, [Your dietary restrictions] 3 days ago 3 days ago
I’d add to this list:
That’s too expensive! Cash price? Stop here! Speak slowly, please.
And any words you might need to relate a dietary restriction: no meat, no dairy, no shellfish, no gluten.