Yep that’s my understanding as well, fall in line or you’re out.
Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 6 days ago
At one point in my career I cared about what I did and who I worked for I felt pride over my product and my team, and all I feel now is shame to be associated with my company, I feel disgusted with myself that I work not for my customers but for shareholder value.
This tracks with my experience here as well.
keep my job and not get layed off.
For me, it seems like falling in line and kissing the ring is more important than showing ability, if you want to avoid being laid off. At a previous job, I got laid off before my very noob coworker who took months to complete PRs because I wouldn’t shut my mouth about RTO.
a meritocracy
🌎🧑🚀🔫🧑🚀 Never has been. 6 days ago 6 days ago
People still falling for that meritocracy stuff lol 6 days ago
Yea after working in the USA I was disillusioned fairly quickly when I was stepped over for promotions by people that knew somebody who knows somebody.
It’s all about who you know and how you know them.