Depends on how you interpret the Trinity.
God also promised he wouldn’t use that specific method ever again. Doesn’t take a rules lawyer to figure out the issue with that one.
Comment on He's taking some deep drags on that Marlboro as he considers what to do 2 days ago
Jesus didn’t flood the earth right? That was God. His dad who is also him but not but yes. I dunno, I don’t get it.
Depends on how you interpret the Trinity.
God also promised he wouldn’t use that specific method ever again. Doesn’t take a rules lawyer to figure out the issue with that one. 2 days ago
lol yea, this is a shitpost after all.
After flooding the earth in the Old Testament, God created the Noahic Covenant that said the Earth would never be flooded again.
This meme would’ve made more sense if it was talking about Book of Revelations, but this ain’t lol