Somehow i managed to cheese the Halo CE one. What i think happened was that the conditions to check are just checking if the level is beat with Anti-Cheat on, and then just checking what the highest difficulty done is (with anti-cheat not included in the equation). I recently have been playing with one of my younger siblings through the entire Master Chief Saga and we’ve made it through CE and half of 2, so i’m assuming that ticked the boxes for Condition 1. So as of today my Halo MCC service record says i have played through the entirety of it on legendary!
Damn on the Falcon though. I have have just recently started being able to tell ghosts and banshees apart. Me and my friend had to come with a whole ass mnemonic device for it (“ghost goes on ground”). I’ll definitely have to go back and look at the Pelican Easter egg though. Halo has had some of my favorite Easter Eggs to date.