Comment on My Thoughts on the Zen Browser 2 days ago
I’ve stayed away from Firefox for almost a decade because I don’t like the way that it functions (and I generally don’t like Mozilla as a company) even though objectively it’s a better browser.
I’ve been using Zen for the past few days and I really enjoy it. 2 days ago
I’ll have to give it a shot then. I’m also not happy w/ Mozilla and I don’t really care too much about Firefox’s features, but I do want to support engine diversity, so I stick with it.
So Zen might just be my cup of tea. As long as I can block ads, use my password manager, sync tabs across my devices, and it’s not based on Chromium, I’m happy. 2 days ago
Has there been any progress in self-hosting sync server since Mozilla abandoned the old version a few years ago and created a behemoth with some exotic database that requires lots of resources? 2 days ago
Idk, I haven’t gotten to it yet on my self-hosting journey (still working on eliminating Google). Hopefully someone else has a good answer. 2 days ago
uBlock Origin / Privacy Badger work just fine.
Nope. 2 days ago
Yup. I’m just saying I don’t particularly care if it’s Zen or another browser, anything that fits those requirements is acceptable to me.
So yeah, I’ll go test syncing tabs, since that’s the most likely to have issues. If it support Mozilla’s Sync, we’re good.