Yeah these companies think just because they can they should.
Fuck 'em. The moon is part of the view from my garden.
I’ll fight for that.
Comment on Nokia to deploy the first cellular network on the Moon 2 days ago
We believe delivering Nokia’s 4G/LTE system to the lunar surface is a transformative moment in the commercialization of space
Absolutely love the lack of regulation for space. Going to love seeing the Google ^tm^ Moon in 50 years.
Yeah these companies think just because they can they should.
Fuck 'em. The moon is part of the view from my garden.
I’ll fight for that. 2 days ago
Well, no regulation means we can be space pirates and fuuuuck Google up. 2 days ago
They’ll be laws against that though. 2 days ago
Obviously, otherwise we’d be privateers, which is not even cool. 1 day ago
I’d do that… give me a letter of mark, a capsule and some inertial impactors, I’m ready to go.