Comment on The surveillance tech waiting for workers as they return to the office ⁨1⁩ ⁨week⁩ ago

If they only spent this time and money on training the managers to…well, manage their employees.

Stop thinking “time at your desk” is a kpi and start measuring results instead. It cuts the crap employees that are worthless and that in and of itself is a reward to good employees and team morale.

I would rather have a productive employee get results in 4 hours and then leave than a crap employee who needs the full day to get the same job done. Then the good employee will learn to streamline it so they can get the job done in 3 hours and I win because my efficiency went up. They win because they get another hour of their life back daily…or dare I say, they want more work and I give it to them along with a pay increase.
