Comment on which softwares can I self host without public IP? 5 days ago
You can use Tailscale, you can access your personal services with it but also expose public services with their Funnels system.
Comment on which softwares can I self host without public IP? 5 days ago
You can use Tailscale, you can access your personal services with it but also expose public services with their Funnels system. 5 days ago
I started using headscale (the opensource reimplementation of tailscale server) on a private vps. It is incredibly better compared to plain wireguard. I regret waiting so much before switching.
Something that really made my life easier: wireguard is poor at roaming: switching to and from my wifi created issues because the server wasn’t reachable anymore from its public ip and wireguard didn’t bother to query the DNS again to check the new IP. Also, configuration is dead simple because it takes care of iptables for you (especially good when you enables forwarding to a node).
Since the server just sends small messages for the control plane and all the traffic is p2p between the devices, the smallest vps with the smaller connectivity is more than enough to handle it.