Comment on How do I point a reverse proxy to a VPN client on my VPS? 1 week agoI think you got it reversed. I want the container traffic to go through the VPN to the VPS and I want the reverse proxy on the VPS to point to that container.
I want the website (hosted at my house) to be accessible through the VPS so my IP isn’t directly exposed. 1 week ago
You’ve confirmed I’ve understood it correctly. Someone on the Internet requests your site. They reach your VPS with nginx. So far so good. Now, how does nginx know how to reach the upstream service? 1 week ago
The goal is to route the services through the VPN and point Nginx to them… but it doesn’t work. 1 week ago
Right. How are you routing traffic from nginx? 1 week ago
For the services already hosted by the VPS, I just point to the appropriate localhost:port.
My hiccup is that the VPN software (pivpn) gives me an internal IP for the clients but pointing Nginx to that IP doesn’t work.