Is this Hardware or software dependent when it comes to Android? Do you know? Curious about whether moving to graphene would even matter.
Is this Hardware or software dependent when it comes to Android? Do you know? Curious about whether moving to graphene would even matter. 1 week ago
Yeah, i was reading some of the Graphene forum discussion the other day. Basicaly, grapheme is the only os on any hardware that concerns LEO and courts.
Reading about the one country where when graphene is found on a phone they automatically declare it “uncontrolled” and a “criminal tool”.…/35 1 week ago
That is such bullshit. Just because people want their information private doesn’t mean they are a criminal. Glad it’s useful though. Definitely going to go graphene next. Not fond of getting a pixel, would really like a fairphone or something else more repairable, but security matters more to me.