Neither. He talked about the impact of always being connected, always contactable, and how he needs self discipline to resist the obvious attractions phones have. He didn’t say anything specifically about social media, which is the thing I struggle with, thanks to its addictive functionality. 1 week ago
Wait does he mean the anti consumer practices or social media? Cause Facebook happened before the iPhone 1 week ago 1 week ago
Facebook was a mostly-harmless multimedia blog site before smartphones. Both its addiction algorithm and being in everyone’s pocket contribute to its current harms, but both would have happened even if Apple hadn’t made a phone.
Smartphones resembling what we have now would have come out of a likely Windows/Android rivalry. They might even still have headphone jacks. 1 week ago
Exactly, so besides this guy being responsible for non replaceable batter, headphone jack and all that, he isn’t really responsible for late stage techno capitalism.