Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 1 week ago
When the Berlin Wall fell, the predictions made at the time were for several decades of low intensity conflict (‘war on terror’) followed by another major world war. This is the expected state of the world, not some surprise outcome from out of nowhere that the capitalists haven’t planned for.
Australia is still being shielded from Chinese expansionism by NATO’s anti-access and area-denial strategy emplaced along the islands off China’s coast.
If the war in Europe expands and heats up, it will be European cities that get destroyed and EU citizens who will have to choose to fight for their autonomy or preemptively surrender to subjugation by the Tsar. USA pulling back from supporting Ukraine forces the EU to pick a path and walk it. Either they build an army capable of self-defense, or they’ll be overrun. The fighting in Ukraine prevents Russia from building up forces, buying the EU time to arm themselves, if that’s what they decide they want to do. If they move fast, there’s a chance they can win the war before it really begins.
Expect to see nuclear proliferation. Modern wars have shown that non-nuclear armed states are a toothless prey species that only exist so long as their nuclear armed neighbors permit it. During the reconstruction era following WWII, USA’s relative advantage in infrastructure and technology allowed them to grant credible security guarantees. Now that the rest of the world has caught up, USA’s defense promises have lost credibility (for example, see Ukraine).
The ocean is full of submarines, and the coastlines bristle with long range, precision missiles. World trade is expected to be among the first casualties of the next world war. Countries that are not self-sufficient will be unable to replenish their losses. Economic protectionism is a matter of national security.
Dismantling USA’s Federal government serves the interests of organized crime, ie the capitalists that own Wall Street. They’re getting squeezed by de-globalization but also expect to be able to expand into new criminal enterprise enabled by deregulation and the dismantling of the Federal government’s investigative capabilities. Without having someplace better to invest capital, might as well let it ride despite the chaos. With a world war, and possibly a nuclear exchange, just over the horizon, there really isn’t any safe place to put one’s money, except perhaps housing and real estate in those parts of the world expected to survive. Canada. Siberia. Greenland.
If we do nothing to reduce atmospheric CO2, global heating will eventually cap out at 5 degrees C and won’t go higher due to diminishing returns. The far north will need to invest in agricultural infrastructure, but once that gets built out in the warmer world, there will be more arable land than there is today. Its going to be boom times for real estate developers.