3 days ago
Bethesda’s greatest sin with Starfield was thinking that modders were going to somehow create a game from the glorified tech demo they released. The bones were there. They made a bunch of stuff procedurally generated; fine. I’m not all that bothered by that. You’d think with so much being randomly generated, they’d be able to spend their time creating interesting things to generate. As it stands right now, you land on one of four types of planets, go to one of six POIs, and fight one four enemy types. It’s clear they thought it would be super easy for everyone to create Jew enemy factions, buildings, loot. But they don’t understand that people dont invest their free time developing content for a game that sucks. I had fun with it, but a game that lives and dies on “finding cool stuff” theres an appalling lack of “stuff”. 2 days ago
They also put little effort into this strategy (if this even was their strategy). Weeks until mods kit was released. No tutorials on how to make easy POIs so less technical creative people could start adding stories etc. Going for the attitude of “we barely thought about mod support for skyrim and it worked out”.