How did FDR feel about gay rights?
More. Gay. Drone. Pilots!
Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week agoHow did FDR feel about gay rights? Economically he was to the left but socially he was way to the right. Sanders, sure, but I meant in a general election.
How did FDR feel about gay rights?
More. Gay. Drone. Pilots! 1 week ago
He wasn’t against gay rights, would probably be the best description. He specifically avoided the topic while campaigning in order to avoid his earlier controversy entrapping men from the Navy by sending men out to have sex with them. Not because he hated gays, he was just given a job, and wasn’t against over doing it. Eleanor took a lesbian lover later on, and he hired a known gay man to serve in his cabinet. For the time, that’s about as progressive as it gets. In modern times, Gore was to the left of Obama and Biden socially.