2 weeks ago
Maybe unpopular opinion, but USUM is my favorite Pokemon game. The graphics were great and fitting, and it had a nice cozy feel with a banger OST.
Going from that to SwSh broke my heart. I literally just wanted a less pixelated USUM and instead they „evolved“ to that weird plastic/clay look like so many other Nintendo-close franchises…
I‘d say I‘m excited for an USUM remake in the future, but I don‘t think they‘d go with the vibrant and clean anime look anymore, and that‘d be over half my excitement gone. 2 weeks ago
USUM feels like the franchises often forgotten title i feel like. I really enjoyed the OGs, and though the whole Ultra Beast thing in USUM doesn’t really interest me, it is nice to have more content. I agree with the graphics and Soundtrack too, tropical things don’t really do it for me, but Sun and Moon i really enjoyed the OST for