Comment on Australia accuses China of 'unsafe' fighter jet move 3 weeks agoYep. Its a different hemisphere. Europe is closer to China than us. Why aren’t the Brits, French and Germans doing this?
For us to travel half way across the world to intrude into their airspace is clearly provocative and dumb considering they are a major export market and have a tiny military that would be better served protecting our national security. As Canada and Europe are finding out, the US alliance isn’t what it used to be. If China started shooting back, chances are Trump would leave us to fend for ourselves. We probably aren’t getting those submarines either. 3 weeks ago
Australia is slightly closer to any part of China than Germany is, but Australia is much closer to the Paracel Islands (Germany is about 9000km, Australia about 4000km).
The rest of your comment is spot-on, though. There’s no way we’re getting those nuclear subs. 3 weeks ago
Oops. Sorry. Every time the media runs click bait about North Korean missiles hitting Australia I get the ruler out and see Europe and the western coast of the USA are closer than me. I recalled distances from Beijing to Sydney vs European cities, not the South China sea.
Still there are over 600 million people living to the north of us in the ASEAN group, a couple of their countries having contested claims in the South China Sea. It is fucking weird that we fly past them all to go up there and swing our dicks around. It looks arrogant and it looks like we are the US’s bitches. When Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines ask us for help perhaps we should be good neighbors. Until then what the fuck are we even doing?