Jesus fuck man, I’d lay most of the blame on the US voters! Where are the influential guys? Well you all were when you had the chance to vote. Fuck you
Jesus fuck man, I’d lay most of the blame on the US voters! Where are the influential guys? Well you all were when you had the chance to vote. Fuck you 3 weeks ago
That’s certainly a huge root cause, but it’s still in Congress’s power. The thing is even if all three branches are single party with slavish loyalty, they are letting the president usurp their authority. Even when they generally agree, where is the self-interest to protect the power they fought so hard to get? They will wake up one day with nothing
Congress also is letting the face eating leopard roam free in their territory. They believe only peons will get their faces eaten, but when that leopard is tired of peasant meat, it will find Congress faces mighty tasty.