Comment on In light of recent events, here's OpenStreetMap editors discussing naming of the Gulf of Mexico 3 weeks ago
How is it the “official name” even for en-US? Trump isn’t the be all and end all of naming things. Every single rational, thinking person in the USA, and many, many people who aren’t so rational (Trump voters), still call it the Gulf of Mexico and always will. Official, my ass.
The early proposal of alt-name: en-US=Gulf of America seemed the most logical.
Holy hell, I hate this cursed timeline. 3 weeks ago
Because the United States Board on Geographic Names now says so, as demanded by the Trump by Order No. 3423. They are the government body that defines what places are officially called.
But unless you are a US federal employee, as Nick Fury once said, “I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it.”