Comment on Hexbear federation megathread

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

behind the spoiler is a Dissent, a Hexbear scary opinion , A Not Mainstream Opinion , A Non Stenography of US Media and bad spelling


there is no greater crime as Genocide , this perfidious usage of this word by Mainstream media and the easly impressed and mislead is to be opossed , GENOCIDE is the willfull extermination of a Hole Culture Group , it is the Highest of all Atrocities And Accusations , Do you understand that there is no higher accusation… Genocide is the Limit… The highest accusation demands SOME Evidence… ! If not the Single Muslim Nation supports any Genocide Accusation , if Not even Most European Nations do so , if the UN send like 5 Inspections and found nothing … if the hole study that all these accusations stem from are from a Fake Evengalized German Professor that writes book about the who gets into Heaven on Rapture day. then sorry , This Uigur thing is actually a “Anglo Media Island” phenomen … like even France etc. its not very prominent , its a little bit to On the Nose bullshit one should not go around repeating Genocide Accusations , you are extremly insulting to the Victims of Genocide , Muslims and Palestine , you diminsh the Word , you make it a Joke …please see wisdom , not TV …
