Comment on What resin printer should I get? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I would probably say that if you aren’t already deeply aware of the build workflow that you probably should not buy one. Without a proper enclosure, a lot of shelf space, etc, Resin adds a considerable health hazard without much benefit. If you DO have a proper workshop set up with a proper enclosure fume hood, curing station, etc, it can be awesome.

But whereas you can get away with a filament printer with or without an enclosure (since the particles are pretty minimal), resin is a different beast. And if you don’t have a proper curing station set up you are going to get crap “prints”.

Filament is 100% the kind of thing you put on a filing cabinet at home. Resin is where you want a proper workshop or, preferably, to make friends with a local “maker space”.
