Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? ⁨4⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

Much of license requirements is based on the fact that operating without proper knowledge can cause issues. You mentioned radio, which is a perfect example of this: emergency frequencies is one thing, but there are a lot of other frequencies that should be left alone. And learning which frequency ranges should and shouldn’t be used for certain activities is part of the process of obtaining a license.

Source: I have a GOC (unrestricted maritime radio certificate).

Real life example that I stumbled across as part of my job a few years ago.

  1. Customer calls in needing help with his VHF radio.
  2. It worked fine but his DSC calls were often traced to the wrong position.
  3. Turns out some little dinghy had an incorrectly programmed radio: The owner had bought it, and when faced with question about MMSI, he had just input numbers that vaguely resembled a valid MMSI, and started using it. 4. Oops, this “bogus” MMSI belonged to our customer.
