Comment on What do people use for a shelf-stable backup 3 weeks ago
Currently the only solution for a consumer are M-Disc Blue rays. They are currently the only “write once read many” media available that are preferable in these types of situations.
The media is comparable cheap - you can safe your amount of data for around 80-90USD/€ initially(or less for more but smaller discs) and then pay around 10$/€ per year for the new amount of data.
The chances that in 20 years someone is still able to read them are fairly high - there are numerous businesses that are using these disc as WORM media to backup important data on a medium that a opposing lawyer later cannot claim “was manipulated”.
If you write on them unencrypted there should be no problem of writing on them. Additionally they do not have issues with byte rot,etc. 3 weeks ago
Yeah it’s an interesting thought. They seem to come up to 100GB capacity, but the wikipedia page claims (with a [dubious] qualifier) that you need some sort of special higher power burning device to write to M-Disc.
I don’t have an optical drive at the moment. Would I just pick any rated for BDXL? 3 weeks ago
You need a designated M Disc capable burner,yes. (Not generic BDXL,there are slight differences) There are a few on the market though - they cost around 100-150 bucks usually.(In theory you can use a regular writer sometimes - I know people who do that,but why risk that?) I usually recommend the verbatim to my clients,they are dirt cheap and work flawlessly so far.
For reading the discs any regular data-capabale blue ray disk drive will do.