Comment on do managers value if you're an engaged employee even if you had/have a bad reputation? 4 weeks ago
As said, how you are perceived and how you interact with others (as in, being a “team player” and becoming a leader) is important. Period.
But as to the general idea of second chances, a manager wouldn’t agree to add you to their unit if they didn’t think you had the potential to excel (unless the decision was made for them, in which case, there’s no telling what the manager thinks). And once you are there, yes, you could start out pushing back against preconceptions. But I promise, your current actions speak louder than earlier memos. Managers are not stupid, they know people can grow and learn and change. If they don’t work with you directly, they take cues from the most recent information they have, like what your current manager says. (Obviously all of this on managers is very generalized, individually is another story, but you don’t do yourself any favors assuming everyone is opposed to you.)
You have the right attitude and that, along with your actions going forward, is all that’s really within your control. Focus on what you can control.