The electrocution risk would actually last even after it’s unplugged: Power supplies can have big capacitors in them.
Comment on What are the possible ways a computer can kill you? 10 hours ago
Fire If you ignored the smell, maybe your house would burn down.
Electrocution If you for example tried to disassemble your power supply while it was in use.
Blunt trauma If you have a big computer on a shelf it might fall and land on you. This is especially dangerous if you’re a data hoarder. It’s a slippery slope that can result in you scalping stuff like old VCRs for drives. Your computer might get very heavy. 10 hours ago 8 hours ago
I actually did #2 because I was fixing one. If you REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING and have ALL THE TOOLS AND PROCESSES NECESSARY and the power supply is worth a few hundred dollars, it MIGHT be worth it.
Guess what? I still blew one up.
Stay safe friends. Recycle it and buy a new one. 38 minutes ago
I have 9 HDDs in mine and the fucker probably weighs 75lbs. It’s always fun when I need to carry it to the kitchen island to do maintenance on it.