Comment on Have you tried coping harder? 3 weeks ago
Maybe this is america specific but my therapist actually helps me with coping with shitty situations. I cant actually do anything against the fucked up things if i let them paralyze me. Your feelings are valid, its about how you adress them. 3 weeks ago
Mental healthcare under communism is when you get sent to the gulag for wrongthink 3 weeks ago
Under the Stalinist soviet communism, which was dictatorship
How about under Zapatista communism (which is still going on)? Or Black Panther communism, at least until the FBI (under J. Edgar Hoover, so acting as the capitalist state’s secret police) massacred the BP administrative leaders?
Tell us more about the joys of capitalist healthcare. At least for the common American, we get bare minimum socialized healthcare, and even it is on the chopping block. The rest is an insurance company that willfully (and oddly, legally) dodges its only job, and a medical system so hyperinflated it puts people into lifelong debt.
So STFU with jingoistic platitudes and virtue-signaling to your fellow MAGAs, and put up a real argument.
Or not. 3 weeks ago