Comment on My current handheld lineup 3 weeks agoImportant questions: What do you want to play? Do you prefer vertical (GB), flip (GBA SP), or horizontal (GBA) form factor? How do you want to carry? Is there a handheld you have particular fondness for?
Depending on what you say, there are systems of all these form factors, some pocketable, some not, and varying in power from “anything up to certain Dreamcast games) down to “stick to 16-bit generation or lower”. Some recent efforts have admirably mimicked the designs of the original GBA and GBA SP, while many have a pretty generic but effective form factor. 3 weeks ago
Want to play anything that doesn’t have ads like everything on the phone. No real preference on orientation, small enough to fit in my coat pocket, liked my Vita years ago. 3 weeks ago
A coat pocket can handle all kinds of things. The Retroid Pocket 5 is very popular, has a lot of power to emulate up to Dreamcast and even PS2 generation consoles, and runs Android so it’s incredibly flexible. It’s very Vita-like in form factor and will probably be a solid Anything Device. It’s pricey, but it’s a real One and Done machine.
Myself though, I’m partial to the TrimUI Model S (also rebranded as the Powkiddy A66) and the TrimUI Smart. They are older, far less powerful, and lack L2/R2 buttons and analog sticks so you’ll mostly want to stick to pre-PlayStation for the most part, but they’re insanely pocketable. Plus they can be had rather cheaply, so they’re a pretty easy impulse treat.