I was able to get on and ask, seems membership@ is the only one (most) people know of
As in the email address membership@sdf.org? Can you ask how long they usually take to respond if you’re still on and willing?
Comment on It has been well iver 24 hours since this shit atarted. No reply from admkns anywhere
pieguy@lemmy.sdf.org 4 weeks agoI was able to get on and ask, seems membership@
is the only one (most) people know of
I was able to get on and ask, seems membership@ is the only one (most) people know of
As in the email address membership@sdf.org? Can you ask how long they usually take to respond if you’re still on and willing?
Aye, that address. I’ve emailed them before and have received replies within a day… I’m hoping they’re not facing a personal emergency of their own
jawa21@lemmy.sdf.org 4 weeks ago
Good luck. We’re all counting on you.