Thanks, a solid suggestion.
I have explored that direction and would 100% agree for most home setups. I specifically need HA running in an unsupervised environment, so Add-ons are not on the table anyway. The containerized version works well for me so far and it’s consistent with my overall services scheme. I am developing an integration and there’s a whole other story to my setup that includes different networks and test servers for customer simulations using fresh installs of HASS OS and the like. 4 weeks ago
Why is that? 4 weeks ago
Everything said and because backups to Home Assistant OS also include addons, which is just very convenient.
My Proxmox setup has 3 VMs:
Also, if you ever plan to switch from a virtualized environment to bare metal servers, this layout makes switching over dead easy. 4 weeks ago
You get easy access to their addons with a VM (aka HAOS). You can do the same thing yourself but you have to do it all (creating the containers, configuring them, figuring out how to connect them to HA/your network/etc., updating them as needed) - whereas with HAOS it generally just works. If you want that control great but go in with that understanding.