Comment on Nextcloud behind Cloudflare zero trust 1 day ago
If you can serve content locally without tunnel (ie no CGNAT or port block by ISP), you can configure your server to respond only to cloudflare IP range and your intranet IP range; slap on the Cloudflare origin cert for your domain, and trust it for local traffic; enable orange cloud; and tada. Access from anywhere without VPN; externally encrypted between user <> cloudflare and cloudflare <> your service; internally encrypted between user <> service; and only internally, or someone via cloudflare can access it. You can still put the zero trust SSO on your subdomain so Cloudflare authenticates all users before proxying the actual request. 22 hours ago
This worked great. For those looking to apply the same solution. And running Nextcloud in snap. You need a cert.pem, key.pem and chain.pem file. The latter can be found here: The cert and key can be generated from your Cloudflare Dashboard under Domains > SSL/TLS > Edge Certificate. Place all three files in
where 12345 can vary for you. Finallysudo nextcloud.enable-https custom cert.pem key.pem chain.pem