Comment on How can a US citizen invest outside the reach of the federal government? 4 weeks ago
well, first you would need to set up a brokerage account outside the US…
For now, though, you can invest in an Ex-US ETF, Vanguard has one that is essentially the total world stock index minus US companies. 4 weeks ago
Can a US citizen set up a brokerage outside the U.S.? If so, where?
I’m not talking about investing in foreign companies; I’m talking about where I can keep my money (other than “under the mattress”) that the federal government can’t seize/freeze. 4 weeks ago
Well, they can seize a lot of things because of reciprocal anti-terrorism money laundering agreements with most of the countries you’d want to trust with your money.
resources aimed at wealthy people offshoring their assets might be useful to you 4 weeks ago
Put it around a pretty woman’s neck.
Look for a decent country’s citizen. 😉