That’s extremely premature to say. One-sided ATC recording doesn’t provide full picture of the situation. We should reserve the judgment until at least preliminary NTSB report.
Comment on USA | Air traffic control staffing 'not normal' during DC crash - officials 5 weeks ago
Why is anyone even talking about the controller?
The controller asked the helicopter pilot if they had the jet in sight. The helicopter pilot said yes, and the helicopter pilot requested permission to maintain visual separation from the traffic. The controller granted that permission. The controller continued to monitor, and again asked the helicopter pilot if they had the jet in sight. The helicopter pilot again informed them that they did, and again requested to maintain their own, visual separation.
Responsibility for this collision is on the helicopter pilot, not the controller. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Sorry, you don’t get to post a piece that implies the fault is on the controller, and then argue that it is “extremely premature” to make any other conclusion. 5 weeks ago
The article I posted doesn’t represent my personal view. My view I expressed in the comment above, which is that there not enough facts to make a determination before official report comes out. Media speculation =/ facts.
I know that waiting for an official report and not speculating is a foreign concept to anyone outside of aviation world, but not basing safety decisions on speculations but instead thorough investigating is why air travel is the safest travel mode. 5 weeks ago
The helicopter also deviated from the predetermined route, being out over the river instead of the bank, and exceeding their flight ceiling. They were absolutely not supposed to be there.