Thank you for giving me a new rabbit hole to explore! I hadn’t heard of SGI.
Comment on The first cult is the deepest 5 weeks agoCould easily be SGI too, they have some very culty elements to their practices. And they are all over with many convenient locations, like all the best cults. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
No problem! Say hi to the rabbits!
I was born into North America’s Own Original Real Estate Sex Cult. I coped by learning about all the other cool cults out there. Turns out they are all really about getting locals to pay for real estate owned by the inner circle. 5 weeks ago
What kind of real estate cult now? 5 weeks ago
The wife-swappin’, land-speculatin’, rootin’-tootin’ rascals we know and love, The Mormons™️! 5 weeks ago
You all might enjoy this book on SGI written by a prof I know:
McLaughlin, Levi. Soka Gakkai’s Human Revolution: The Rise of a Mimetic Nation in Modern Japan. Germany, University of Hawaii Press, 2018.…/AVgEEAAAQBAJ?hl=en&…
It’s an unbiased view on SGI. McLaughlin’s position as the religion as a mimetic nation is quite interesting too.