Comment on Trump announces up to 30K illegal immigrants will be sent to Guantanamo Bay ⁨5⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

well so what’s to be made of this?

I think a lot of of people simply want the illegals sent to the country they’re from

however some questions come up like what to do with people the countries refuse, what to do with people who we’re uncertain of where they came from, and what should we do if they just come back?

countries refuse

I thought Trump was basically gonna force 'em to take 'em back, with tariffs or something


maybe an agreement with certain countries to take them if it’s a close enough guess where they’re from?

come back

agreements with countries to jail them since it’s their people offending (offloading the cost of detainment / prison to the other countries whose people are committing the crimes, maybe as an incentive for the other countries to deter their citizens from illegally entering other countries)?
