On the contrary to drawbacks. It benefits some companies to leak data when partnerships between corporations are made based on data swaps. And the first person to snitch on this practice gets whacked, apparently.
Comment on UnitedHealth updates data breach impact to 190 million people, nearly doubling previous estimate
UnpopularCrow@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
There is no profit in securing customer data and there is no drawback for the company when data breaches occur. Without regulation, there will never be motivation for companies to give a shit.
They will apologize like Old navy does every few years for sweatshops, claim they really care and promise to improve (they won’t).
What they really mean?
“Enjoy your free year of credit monitoring and fuck off.”
Aslanta@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
MolecularCactus1324@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
It’s literally this. I worked software for a financial company and we were considered a cost center. It showed in how they cut corners.