Sorry but I just replied to the same suggestion so I’m just gonna copy paste my reply below
In general, I agree, but I’m concerned with the prevalence of vote manipulation and shithousing on this site, and I feel like my past track record on this account is one of the only ways for me to protect myself from the constant baseless accusations of being a Russian shill, being a right winger, etc.
I feel that someone needs to be able to counter the increasing tendency towards absolute ideological purity that is strangling this platform, and if people don’t know me from a hole in the wall, it’ll be that much easier to discredit me when I try to criticize the circlejerking that goes on here.
In other words, I’m a human being, and I have opinions, and I’m flawed. But that doesn’t mean I can’t or don’t try my best to act objectively and in the best interests of the server when I’m performing my admin duties. That’s reality, and hiding behind alt accounts just to pretend that I’m a pure paragon of justice on my admin account isn’t really my style, and I don’t really see how it would benefit anyone.
And just in response to your comment specifically, I don’t view my actions over the past few days as having been “spicy” takes, or exhibiting an attitude of partying in a frat house. Some of the things I said were quite frank, yes, but I only came out and said them because I felt that people needed to hear them and respond to them for the good of Lemmy.
As much as people won’t ever believe me in this, I probably wouldn’t have even said any of that crap if I was just a normal user, because personally, I don’t really get upset easily, and I don’t go out of my way seeking confrontation. It’s the fact that I am an admin that led me to speak out, because I feel like these behaviors are harmful to my users who I’m supposed to advocate for and protect, and harmful to the success of Lemmy, which I’m deeply invested in through my role as an admin. 5 weeks ago
The party at the frat house is Lemmy. You’re the cop, haha
I get where you’re coming from. Saying it as an admin will draw more attention to your comment, as you know, but I think it’ll backfire more often than not by bringing more negative attention.
You’ll also be more likely to bring out reactance in people, I imagine.
Spicy wasn’t the right word, but you commented because you felt your opinion needed to be heard, which suggests it might be unpopular with some audiences.
Saying it because you’re an admin is one thing. Saying it as a admin will draw attention that’ll probably be more negative than not, unfortunately.