Comment on Australian woman discovers fake Instagram wedding was real

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…“the groom did not respond to our request for comment.” It makes it clear that you tried and he was not interested in explaining himself.

For context, it’s standard practice in proceedings under the Family Law Act to use pseudonyms, so it’s not really possible to track this guy down and ask for his comment.

It must not be overlooked that I am not required to accept evidence, even uncontroverted evidence, if that evidence is contrary to the way events are likely to have occurred

Tell that to the High Court in Pell

My reading of the Pell appeal was that is more or less what the High Court decided, albeit while applying the more stringent criminal burden of beyond reasonable doubt in relation to a jury trial. The Court fundamentally concluded that while the complainant’s evidence was credible, the compounding effect of unchallenged evidence from multiple other witnesses meant that there was “a significant possibility” Pell was not guilty of the charges.

I should mention that I’m not a Pell apologist; it does appear from the Royal Commission on institutional abuse that he was complicit in covering up historical sexual assaults, and that is unforgivable. But for anyone that hasn’t read the full text of the appeal (…/12.html), I thoroughly recommend it. I am not ashamed to say that I think the Court makes a convincing case for him not being guilty of those particular charges.
