Comment on TIL: Deer are popping off down here ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

We are in outer suburban Melbourne. A woman at the pub last year had her work Ute written off when a deer ran across the Princes Highway in a built up residential area adjacent to some unmaintained bush and hobby-farm-land.

Later last year, my SIL was taking my niece to work and a huge 12-point stag was dead on the side of the highway at the same location. By the time she went to pick her up from work, some dirty Bogan had decapitated it (in daylight), obviously to mount it on their Mancave wall.

Back in the good old days, hunters used to cull the feral deer, take them home and butcher them.

Professional taxidermists used to mount their racks, and they would take pride of place in their lounge room.

It would be in violation of HACCP for a Professional Butcher to prepare feral venison steak and sausage, but it would be a a good Cash-In-Hand income stream.
