Comment on Python [Snake] Meat Could Be a Sustainable, Nutritious Food Source, Scientists Say 1 month agoarticle:
After studying more than 4,600 Burmese and reticulated pythons on commercial farms in Vietnam and Thailand, they found the snakes had a more efficient food conversion ratio than salmon, pigs, cows, chicken and crickets. The snakes went long periods without eating but did not lose much of their body mass as a result; they also required very little water. On top of all that, they ate food that would not have been used otherwise, known as waste meat, such as wild-caught rodents and stillborn pigs.
says more in article like that. and yet:
Scientists also say more research needs to be conducted on the nutritional content of snake meat, as well as the broader environmental implications—and potential ripple effects—of commercial python farms. 1 month ago
is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.
Pythons are a problem in Florida, I’m not arguing against that. Building a profit motive around them is counter productive to lessening their ecological impact.