Comment on Discovery Plus is raising its prices 1 month agoVoice dictation censored it. Samsung buried the censorship deep enough in the settings that I don’t care to turn it on and off and I’m not big on hog wash so you’re all just going to have to use your imagination I know you can do it. 1 month ago
LOL, that’s even worse. But I’ll let it slide.
Using my imagination sounds fun though:
… Bainters bairnish Baisakhi Baisdens Baisleys baitfish baitings Bajocian bakelite bakemeat Bakerian bakeries Bakerloo bakeshop bakeware Bakewell baklavas baklawas bakshish Balabans Balachka baladine baladins balafons Balaguer balanced balancer balances balander Balarama balayage Balbonis balconet Baldaufs baldhead baldiest …