Comment on Annual General Thread 2 months agoWhen the LW lag issue was previously discussed, my main constraint was (and still is) time. Longer term it would have been a financial concern.
Either way, the issue has cleared up now due to a number of factors, none of which required time or finances on our part. I call that a win.
Worth noting, LW have still not upgraded their instance to the version that introduced multiple sending threads to a remote instance. If their volume of traffic were to increase substantially again, we could “lag” again. 2 months ago
I’ve been following this from far away, what were the factors that solved the issue if LW didn’t update? 2 months ago
The volume of activity from LW reduced, and it also looks like they made some config changes on their side… at a guess more federation worker processes, allowing an almost constant stream of activity to be sent to AZ. 2 months ago
I see, makes sense